Channel: The Aquarius Paradigm » Serenia
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Serenia on the Work of the Spaceship Seraphim


Written by Steve Beckow

UFO Over EarthPhoto: Depiction of a spaceship working on the Earth

Today on the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel, Geoff West interviewed Serenia, the science officer who recently received her own command, the Seraphim. She discussed her ship’s contribution to cleansing the planet.

Her ship is downloading scientific and healing formulas onto – and into – the Earth – into the air and water and thereby into each of us.

She characterized her science as organic or biological physics, which includes elements of our various bodies – physical, emotional, mental, causal, etc.  She explained that we’re all part of one universal grid. Think of the grid as a giant fish net, she suggested, upon which all information travels.

The rifts, tears and rents in that grid have long since been repaired by the archangels and the galactics. (1)

The formulas they’re seeding into Earth to cleanse it have symbols, inclusions and compounds that we don’t have the science yet to understand.  She discussed the formula for clean water. They transmit it onto the planet Gaia energetically – into the earth, trees, water, and people. Remember that there’s water in everything.

The formula could be hundreds of miles long. Think of it as an accordion squeezed together, at which point it’s about a millimeter thick. All the information is still contained in this compact form. They might transmit the formula across the length of the Pacific Ocean. If we could perceive it, it would be like a magnificent symphony floating down into the waves, fish, and the heart of Gaia.

Or they might shrink the formula and drop it into a particular area.

The waters within us are the conductors of our emotional field and the stimulus for inspiration and ideas (witness the expression “being in the flow”).  However, most of us are, from their perspective, dehydrated.

Each element of the formula contains the entire formula. It’s embedded and programmed that way. (Steve: Sounds holographic.)  Every inch of our body is permeated by these formulas.

It’s Spring, she said, a time of rejuvenation.   In addition to sending energies to Earth, the galactics’ work is to awaken all of us through their work with formulas. There’s a gentle shake occurring, a revitalization, organic and powerful – and not simply for human beings. In many ways what they’re doing is reinserting and reawakening the memory of perfection.

The formulas heal the soil ruined by pesticides and take it to an even higher vibration. Soil has a desire to grow things. It laughs and plays when plant life joins with it. The devas and elementals will also join with the soil again when it’s pristine.

She discussed the work of Masaru Emoto, whom she called “a dear friend.” She said that when we clear our beings, the work of the formulas, which is transubstantiation, will be immediate.

The essence of the universe is love. How it expresses is in magnitudes of formulas, at the essence of each of which is the core of love. Seeding the oceans is like sending many prayers into the ocean, air, etc.

She advised us to look at the scientific indications of how conditions on the planet are changing, at how pollution is falling, concentrations of minerals, etc.


(1) In one of my first readings I was told that my mother was working on the repair of this universal grid.

Source: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/serenia-on-the-work-of-the-spaceship-seraphim/

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